Maxine_A_Woman_President - 33.1K (300X380) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Ben_Franklin - 120K (300X425) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Black_Hole - 20.4K (242X230) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Blood_Type - 124.2K (300X425) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Dark_Early - 136.9K (270X374) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Everyone_Seems_Normal - 18.8K (294X413) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Fall_Makes_Me_Grump - 109.2K (285X376) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Female_President - 51.8K (292X384) 2010-11-06 06:29 |
Maxine_Global_Warming - 136.4K (285X365) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Honest_Mech - 131.4K (300X425) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_I_Hear_You_Changed - 21.8K (350X200) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Lingerie_Shop - 112K (300X425) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Long_as_there_are - 9.3K (300X200) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Picking_A_Turkey - 119.4K (285X365) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Political_Platform - 103.2K (285X348) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Raise_your_Hand - 27.2K (332X364) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Shoulder - 70K (300X425) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Suddendly_Interesting - 137.1K (300X425) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Thats_the_Sound - 28.2K (300X300) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_There_is_a_Tourist - 16.9K (350X242) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Tip_on_getting_older - 12.9K (350X252) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Towel_Heads - 141.7K (489X318) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Turn_Your_Clock_Back - 95.3K (285X351) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Voting - 73.9K (300X339) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Winter_Chattering - 38.9K (314X400) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_Wipe_your_Mouth - 38.7K (320X201) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Maxine_You_are_Not_Yourself - 24K (350X200) 2010-11-06 06:03 |
Any other problems you would like for me to solve today ? Yes ? Think about these: 1. The Constitution 2. The Ten Commandments T H E C O N S T I T U T I O N They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq .... Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, It has worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore. T H E 1 0 C O M M A N D M E N T S The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this: You cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal,' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians... It creates a hostile work environment. PART OF THE PROBLEM Also, Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone -- YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!
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